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Club Update: Moving into Phase 3 - what does it mean for us.

With WA moving into Phase 3 of the State Government’s COVID-19 roadmap as of Saturday 6 June 2020, here are a list of key things that will be in place along with what is changing:

  • We continue to expect everyone to follow Government requirements as well as our club and Tennis West guidelines which have been updated and can be found on our website and through this link.

  • Anyone entering the club is expected to sanitise their hands on entry and when they come off court to use any facilities or touch anything. Hand sanitisers have been placed in multiple locations around the club.

  • All courts are now available to be booked online. While anyone can book any court on weekdays, online court bookings for courts 1, 2, 7 and 8 will be restricted to members only on the weekend for the next fortnight after which we will review the restrictions.

  • Online court bookings continues to be mandatory for anyone to use the court.

  • We will be increasing the availability of numbers for social tennis on Tuesday and Wednesday nights for members and non-members who might be interested

  • If an operational staff (e.g. committee member / coach) is present, the clubhouse may be opened for use although we encourage that it is used in a limited capacity only.

  • Furnitures like tables have been arranged in a specific manner on purpose so please do not move them

  • The children playground will be opened for use from Monday 8 June 2020

  • With the re-opening of the children playground, we will be looking to lock the hit-up wall when not in use. We’ll be using a combination lock this time so if you are planning on using the hit-up wall, drop us an email and we will provide you the code to gain access to it.

  • As of tomorrow, we will be able to open the bar again but only if a qualified bar staff who has completed the AHA Hospitality Hygiene Course is present.

  • While you can come up to the bar to order a drink, anyone that is consuming alcohol must be seated.

  • When it comes to food, unfortunately there is no sharing of food (unless you live in the same household). Anyone that is handling and serving any type of food much have completed the AHA Hospitality Hygiene Course.

  • As we are limited to the number of patrons we can have on the premise, our primary purpose is enabling people to undertake tennis activities (social hit, coaching, etc) therefore we won’t be holding any purely social functions (e.g. quiz nights) at the club until further notice.

As always, the MTC Committee would like to express our sincere thanks for your understanding, cooperation and patience throughout this period.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us or speak to any one of us.

Thank you.

MTC Committee

Previous COVID-19 Club updates:


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